We all want to make the best decisions when it comes to our lawn. That’s why we’re here to weigh the pros and cons of seed and sod lawn installations so you can make an informed decision on what choice is best for you!
Sod Installation
Deciding on ways to help your lawn look its best this season? We’re discussing three benefits you can expect when you choose sod installation.
Don’t let your overgrown, ignored landscape decrease your property value!
You might have heard rumors in the past that installing dormant sod doesn’t work, but we’re here to tell you that’s simply not the case.
Seed and sod are both great options for homeowners looking to improve their landscape. However, knowing the difference and what to expect is an essential step when choosing between the two. Sod installation in Newton and surrounding areas is much different than seeding a lawn. This article will highlight the benefits and differences between the […]
Fall is the perfect time to invest in this service and here are three crucial reasons why:
Whenever you see sod installed on a home improvement television show, you might notice that it is often in completed in the spring before an open house. Cataldo Landscape wants you to know that it is never too late to have sod installation completed in Needham and Wellesley, MA. In fact, this is the perfect […]
Sod installation in Needham, MA is a great, and instantly gratifying solution to your lawn care troubles. Whether your grass was patchy or recent construction has made your yard a pile of dirt, sod can help fix your problems quickly. Though you’re buying matured grass, there is so much to remember when prepping your yard […]
We’re lucky to be from New England where we can be at the mountains in the morning and the ocean by noon. Us New Englanders love the variety we’re given when we pick an area to live in these parts, including the landscape of our home. Though it might seem simple, lawn care in Weston, […]
Is Sod Right for You? Winter is here, but that doesn’t mean it’s too early to start thinking about the ways to improve your yard for the spring and summer months. You have plenty of great options when making those decisions for your property, and Cataldo’s Landscaping and Masonry thinks sod installation might be the […]