Everyone wants green grass. Let’s face it, we don’t break our backs for a BROWN lawn! How do you get that lush, beautiful green color? Providing you feed your lawn with a good quality fertilizer, you need to water it also… How much? Well, there are a few factors that figure into the equation…If you have any questions as to how to care for your landscape in Massachusetts, you should contact ‘Cataldo Landscaping’. We take great pride in providing the greater Boston Area with fantastic lawns, landscape and masonry. We are the fertilization experts!
First, make sure there aren’t water restrictions in your community. Due to drought, many communities have regulated water usage for lawns. It may be certain, hours, days of the week, or frequency, but abide by the laws. Getting a rain barrel is a really good idea, as it not only conserves water, so you can water gardens and landscapes, but collecting this rain water reduces the amount of runoff that may pick up garbage, oil, fertilizers pesticides or other pollutants. Second, water your grass only when it is needed. Water conservation isn’t the only reason, over watering can be just as detrimental as under watering, as it promotes fungus and disease. Most people do not know they are overwatering. Many types of grass have a range for water requirements. Factors such as temperature, humidity, and wind can have dramatic effects on how often you need to water your lawn. Watering your lawn only when it needs it promotes deeper root growth, but keep in mind, you have to water it enough to reach the root zone each time you water. For an approximation, if you have a bluegrass lawn, each watering should penetrate 6-8 inches into the soil. For most other grasses, it should penetrate 8-12 inches. Finally, timing is crucial. Watering your grass in the early morning hours is best. Between 4am and 9am, being optimal. This will provide the most benefit to your lawn, as there will be minimal evaporation. On a hot or windy day, the actual amount of water that DOESN’T make it to your grass can be substantial. Our final thought, always water ‘trouble areas’ by hand. A south facing slope, for example, may be a problem. Follow these tips, and your lawn should look great. If you have problems, contact for professional assistance.