You might be thinking that because school is about to start back up that your lawn care routine can be cut back- Cataldo wants you to rethink that mindset! Though August might signify the beginning of seasonal change, we’re still in the heat of summer! As landscapers near Boston, we want to be sure your yard looks great all year, so here are a few ways to continue to keep up with your lawn during these last few weeks of exceptionally warm weather.
Water, water, water! You might notice a dip in rain during August and the beginning of the fall, so be sure to keep up with your watering schedule! This helps avoid brown patches and other potential side effects from the drier weather.
Cut your lawn longer. You might notice that even sticking with your regular watering schedule isn’t enough. Cutting your lawn a little higher allows for the grass to protect its own roots with the shade. This prevents your roots from drying out as quickly, which might save your grass.
Keep up with weed control. Putting in the effort now can save you the trouble in the spring. By not allowing your weeds to seed and spread, you will find yourself with much less maintenance in future months.
Check for insects and fungus. Though we might be entering a drier time of year, the humidity is still present, and can lead to insect infestations or even fungal problems on your plants or lawn. Be sure to research common problems native to your landscape and watch out for the symptoms that might occur.
Whether you’re in need of total lawn care, renovation landscaping, or shrub transplanting near Newton, MA, Cataldo Landscape and Masonry is here to help you make your transition through the seasons as easy as possible. With more questions, call us today at (781) 304-8900.